Sunday, February 22, 2015

The first post

The view from Hostel Mariposas' terrace
As I write, dozens of white little sailboats peacefully float on the blue of the Pacific Ocean in the Valparaiso bay. From here I can see the port, the crazy patchwork of tin roofs of the city down the hill and -on the other side of the bay- the tall buildings of the rather ugly beach town of Viña del Mar. This is the crazy amazing view that keeps everyone awake and outside until late in the chilly Chile evenings.
(can anyone tell I'm madly in love with Valparaiso?)

 As soon as I started writing I realized it's been almost 3 months of this trip already. So many stories of the road, the wild outdoors and the people we met.

So I decided that since not much of interest is happening here while we stay in Valpo for a while, I'll start sharing stories from the start of the trip.

Some of them I wrote about on the road, so they'll be more accurate. Some of them I'll take out of my memories, so they might be already a bit mixed with the emotions and happy/not so happy memories of the places we visited.

 But basically this will be a summary of what has happened so far since that early morning in December when we left Brisbane, until now while we stay at this home away from home that is our current hostel (the one with the crazy view).

Stay tuned for many random adventures.