Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Even a very random adventure has to come to an end

As I write this, I can hear the sound of the crazy Australian birds in the background. I still don't know how I got back here (actually I do, but it still feels like a strange dream).

After 14 months and countless memorable moments (and over 7000 photos! isn't digital photography a little monster) our South American adventure has finished, leaving us with many good stories to tell, new friends, a lot of learned lessons, and pretty empty pockets and wallets.

I was planning to write a nice conclusive, sappy post on how happy and sad I am at the same time, but I figured it would be more fun to put together a little slideshow for you, our faithful 10+ readers.

It is my first time using a sort of movie-maker, so be nice to me. Also because I just got back and I have post travel syndrome. So does Chey.

The blog will still be up, of course! We still have heaps to say about South America, our particular vision on travel, and many other things that you'll find out if you stay tuned for more randomness.

Love for all.